Faith Fitness Joy: Helping Women find Health, Happiness, and Healing

Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Are you ready to stop chasing impossible body standards and get off the diet roller coaster? Do you want to look and feel great without obsessing over food and doing extreme workouts? Are you ready to put yourself at the top of the priority list; so you can be and give the best version of yourself to your family? Do you want to reclaim your health and wellness and learn to love yourself along the way? In this podcast, you will find whole health solutions for you mind, body, and soul. You will learn realistic, sustainable ways to lose weight and improve your health. You will learn techniques and practices to improve your mindset, overall health and wellness, as well as your physique. I help women shift their focus from losing weight to improving their health. You will learn you can look and feel your best, love yourself more, and release the obsession with the number on the scale or the tags of your clothes. You will learn about the connection between health and unhealed past traumas and hurts, methods for self healing, and how to establish or strengthen a relationship with God as well as with yourself. My mission is to help other women find health, happiness, and alignment. If you are ready to go beyond simply losing weight, get to the root of what is keeping you stuck, and become the healthiest and happiest you, then this is the podcast for you! My name is Rachelle Renee`. I am a single mother, a coach, channel, and healer. I have tried everything to lose weight. I have been lifting weights and exercising for over 30 years. I have done every diet, weight loss program, supplement, you name it, I have tried it. But at the end of the day, no matter how much I lost or how perfectly I stuck to whatever fad I was trying, I never felt good. I was still tired, I still didn’t like the way I looked, and I was still stressed all the time. I was worried I wasn’t the mother to my kids that I wanted to be. I realized I was way too obsessed with looking a certain way, weighing a certain weight, and just trying to live up to impossible standards. Worse, I was completely exhausting myself in the process! I finally realized it is more important to feel good and healthy. I needed to shift my focus to my overall health and not looking a certain way. I started to become more aware of how I was talking to myself and began to shift my self-talk to positive, affirming self-talk. I started to focus on food as fuel for my body, not a carrot or stick for what the scale said. I started to focus on exercise as a way to feel stronger and more energized, and it has since become a major component of my mental health as well. Over the years, I have established and maintained a close and strong connection to God. I have learned to develop my gifts, both spiritual and non-spiritual. I have learned spiritual and non-spiritual techniques to heal the mind, body, and soul and I want to share my knowledge and gifts with as many as possible, so they may find their own healing as well as develop their own gifts. Support the show: Connect: Facebook page:  Instagram: Website: #health #fitness #happiness #nutrition #exercise #weightloss #healing #weightlossforwomen #mindbodysoul #weightlifting #exercise #loseweight #healthylifestyle #spiritualgrowth #spiritualalignment #ascension #transformation #mindset #successmindset #shiftyourmindst #subconsciousmind #subconscious #innerwork #healing #positivemindset #livinghealthy #mindbodysoul

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Friday Aug 09, 2024

Today I am talking about setting boundaries. It is critical to starting and staying on your health and wellness journey. Lack of boundaries is one of the biggest reasons people struggle to get started with fitness and nutrition or to stick with it. We tell ourselves we have no time, we have to work late, we have to be at so and so’s event, and so on. This may be tough to hear, but none of this is true. We don’t truly have to do anything; we just convince ourselves that we do.  So how do we shift this? How do we get ourselves out of this cycle of hustle and burnout caused by lack of boundaries? How do we set boundaries for ourselves?
Evaluate where you are.
Determine how you want things to change.
Identify and release the limiting beliefs as the come up.
If you'd like to support the show, your support is greatly appreciated! Contributions can be made here: 

Monday Aug 05, 2024

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can make a contribution here:  Your support is greatly appreciated!
Today, I am following up on my dive into the viral TikTok trend some creators have dubbed "ricezempic" due to the alleged weight loss benefits of this trend. I have completed 30 days of the “ricezempic” weight loss trend, which I will explain shortly, and I am back with an update on my results. So, today I am going to: 1. Briefly explain what “Ricezempic” or the rice water for weight loss trend is. 2. The recipe for the rice water. 3. My results after drinking this every morning for 30 days.
! #weightloss #weightlossforwomen #weightlosshacks #faddiets #nutrition #fitness #exercise #healthandwellness #health #healthylifestyle #fitnesslifestyle #weightlossjourney #loseweight #waystoloseweight

Monday Jul 29, 2024

Today I welcome Special Guest, Consuella Hopkins. Join as as she shares the mindset secrets that helped her create multiple businesses.
Follow Consuella on Instagram at:
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#podcast #business #womeninbusiness #femaleentrepreneur #success #successmindset #mindset #mindsetmatters #money #multimillionaire 

Wednesday Jul 24, 2024

Today I welcome Special Guest, Andrew Gorkowski, President and founder of Electric Fitness. Join us as we discuss the role of mindset in sports and the three key components of developing a winning mindset from Andrew's perspective:
1. Inner Dialog
2. Environment
3. Focus on solutions
Connect with Andrew on Instagram here:
Contributions are greatly appreciated! If you like the show, please contribute here:
#winningmindset #athlete #athletics #athletemindset #fitness #basketball #sports #healthandwellness #healthandfitness #exercise #mindsetmatters #healthcoaching #mentoring #coaching #healthcoach #podcast

Monday Jul 22, 2024

I am sharing lessons learned from over 3 decades of dieting, exercising, and just plain obsessing about my weight. I hope you will find this helpful and that it prevents you from making the same mistakes and the related heart ache.
So, these seven truths are:
Results achieved quickly are undone even faster .
Mindset and inner dialog matter more than anything else.
You cannot out exercise a bad diet.
Not all calories are created equal.
Consistency is key.
Body transformation is also a process of internal changes; replacing bad habits with good habits.
The aesthetics are the least of it.
If you enjoy this podcast, please consider making a contribution to support the show here.
#weightloss #healthylifestyle #fitness #weightlossforwomen #health #wellness #bodytransformation #mindset #exercise #nutrition #healthyliving

Monday Jul 15, 2024

On today's episode I am thrilled to welcome Special Guest, Armond Wright, creator and founder of the Wright Team. Armond shares his inspirational story of success in his real estate business as well as a bit about how he is helping others succeed in this space. Check it out! Get in touch with Armond at or 567-277-1235. #successmindset #success #business #mindset #mindsetmatters #motivation #podcast 

Wednesday Jul 10, 2024

Support the show here: Your support and contributions are appreciated! In today's episode I have a channeled message related to inner healing. When Yeshua said "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life[a] will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?" He was calling us to do our inner healing work, to conquer our ego and flesh, and follow His example. If you are feeling called to start your spiritual ascension or inner healing journey or have been on the path for a while, then today's episode is for you. #spirituality #healing #innerhealing #mindbodysoul #ascension #faith #walkbythespirit #healthysoul

Monday Jul 08, 2024

how many of you have spent weeks or months living on a tight daily caloric budget only to find yourself stuck at a certain weight after a certain point no matter how perfectly you stay within this daily budget? Or, perhaps you see continued weight loss, but find yourself feeling hungry all the time? After a point, you get fed up; you’re not getting results worth the pain of constant deprivation and you’re sick of calorie counting all together. Does this sound familiar? We are told that the key to weight loss is to eat less than we burn. While there is some truth to this, there are also a lot of myths and misconceptions around this as well, which I’m going to get into today. Some of these are:
All calories are created equal; a calorie is a calorie.
The greater the deficit the greater the weight loss.
You just aren’t committed enough if you can’t stick with it.Support the show here:
Your support is greatly appreciated!
#weightloss #weightlossforwomen #calories #caloriecounting #dieting #foodtracking #keto #lowfat #healthylifestyle #fitness #exercise #bodytransformationcoach #bodytransformation #fitnessmotivation #nutrition #eatingright #healthandwellness #healthyeating

Monday Jul 01, 2024

Today I have the privilege of welcoming special guest, JD Steinberger. JD is the owner and founder of JD's OTZ Academy and is a Mindset & Fitness Specialist. Join us as we discuss the benefits of fitness in increasing longevity and quality of life into our elder years. Also, get in on the 30-day challenge JD has just launched! Click here to apply:  Connect with JD on Instagram as well:  #health #healthylifestyle #fitness #exercise #fitnesslifestyle #fitnessmotivation #weightlifting #wellness #healthiswealth #longevity #healthyaging

Thursday Jun 27, 2024

More and more people are learning about inner healing, shadow work, and the like. Each of us has a responsibility to heal ourselves, to be the best version of ourselves we are capable of being. Inner healing is an important component of this. Today I discuss what inner healing is and the framework you can use to get started. #innerhealing #healing #shadowwork #spirituality #spiritualgrowth #mentalhealth #mindsetwork #mindset #behavioralhealth #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment


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