Faith Fitness Joy: Helping Women find Health, Happiness, and Healing

Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Are you ready to stop chasing impossible body standards and get off the diet roller coaster? Do you want to look and feel great without obsessing over food and doing extreme workouts? Are you ready to put yourself at the top of the priority list; so you can be and give the best version of yourself to your family? Do you want to reclaim your health and wellness and learn to love yourself along the way? In this podcast, you will find whole health solutions for you mind, body, and soul. You will learn realistic, sustainable ways to lose weight and improve your health. You will learn techniques and practices to improve your mindset, overall health and wellness, as well as your physique. I help women shift their focus from losing weight to improving their health. You will learn you can look and feel your best, love yourself more, and release the obsession with the number on the scale or the tags of your clothes. You will learn about the connection between health and unhealed past traumas and hurts, methods for self healing, and how to establish or strengthen a relationship with God as well as with yourself. My mission is to help other women find health, happiness, and alignment. If you are ready to go beyond simply losing weight, get to the root of what is keeping you stuck, and become the healthiest and happiest you, then this is the podcast for you! My name is Rachelle Renee`. I am a single mother, a coach, channel, and healer. I have tried everything to lose weight. I have been lifting weights and exercising for over 30 years. I have done every diet, weight loss program, supplement, you name it, I have tried it. But at the end of the day, no matter how much I lost or how perfectly I stuck to whatever fad I was trying, I never felt good. I was still tired, I still didn’t like the way I looked, and I was still stressed all the time. I was worried I wasn’t the mother to my kids that I wanted to be. I realized I was way too obsessed with looking a certain way, weighing a certain weight, and just trying to live up to impossible standards. Worse, I was completely exhausting myself in the process! I finally realized it is more important to feel good and healthy. I needed to shift my focus to my overall health and not looking a certain way. I started to become more aware of how I was talking to myself and began to shift my self-talk to positive, affirming self-talk. I started to focus on food as fuel for my body, not a carrot or stick for what the scale said. I started to focus on exercise as a way to feel stronger and more energized, and it has since become a major component of my mental health as well. Over the years, I have established and maintained a close and strong connection to God. I have learned to develop my gifts, both spiritual and non-spiritual. I have learned spiritual and non-spiritual techniques to heal the mind, body, and soul and I want to share my knowledge and gifts with as many as possible, so they may find their own healing as well as develop their own gifts. Support the show: Connect: Facebook page:  Instagram: Website: #health #fitness #happiness #nutrition #exercise #weightloss #healing #weightlossforwomen #mindbodysoul #weightlifting #exercise #loseweight #healthylifestyle #spiritualgrowth #spiritualalignment #ascension #transformation #mindset #successmindset #shiftyourmindst #subconsciousmind #subconscious #innerwork #healing #positivemindset #livinghealthy #mindbodysoul

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Monday Jun 24, 2024

Today, I am diving into the viral TikTok trend some creators have dubbed "ricezempic" due to its alleged weight loss benefits. It is basically rice water with lemon or lime juice first thing in the morning. This simple practice has gained popularity for its weight loss benefits. But is there any scientific evidence to back it up? Let's find out!
Today I am going to:
Walk you through what the rice water trend is.
The recipe for this viral rice water.
Research related to this rice water trend.
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Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

Today we are delving into a topic that’s both enlightening and empowering: vibrational frequency. Whether you’re new to this concept or diving deeper into your spiritual journey, understanding how our emotions influence our energy is key to living a more fulfilling life. More importantly, when we do our inner healing work and raise our vibration we are also raising the vibration of the world, thereby doing our part to heal the world!
Grab a copy of my Growth & Healing Journal here: 
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Monday Jun 17, 2024

Thank you for being a loyal listener! If you find this helpful, please consider contributing to support the podcast here: 
Today, I want to talk about something that can often be a source of frustration and even discouragement: the bathroom scale. Us ladies seem to be obsessed with the scale and many of us base our sense of self worth or beauty on the number on that little display. The scale is just one way to measure progress and, frankly, it's a sh*tty measure at that. There is so much more to you than what you weigh and there are many other, far better ways to assess whether your eating and exercise plans are working for you.
I am going to break down why the scale sucks as a measure of progress when it comes to transforming your body and I am going to lay out alternative measures to use instead of the scale. I hope that by the time you finish reading this you are inspired to ditch the scale for good, or at the very least, step on it much less often.

Monday Jun 10, 2024

Grab the 6-week Slim Down for $97 here: 
Embarking on the journey to healthier eating can be both exciting and daunting. Whether you're looking to shed a few pounds, boost your energy levels, or simply improve your overall well-being, much of the results you seek come down to your diet, so changing how you are eating is a crucial component for transforming your body and improving your health. However, this is also the most challenging aspect of losing weight or changing one's body. Most people think it's the exercise, but greatly underestimate the challenge of controlling what you eat all day, every day. Today we'll explore practical tips and strategies to help you get started on eating healthier, the key to navigating this process of change, and how to sustain this long-term.
Alright, so, today I am giving you all you need to get started with healthy eating. Summer is nearly here and I know that means many of you may be wanting to shed some pounds or just eat lighter and healthier. So the keys to starting to eat healthy, which I am diving into today are:
Understanding the basics of healthy eating
It is a process of small changes over time – set smaller goals as you go
Plan and prepare meals weekly
Practice Mindful eating
Stay informed and flexible
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Monday Jun 03, 2024

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Alcohol is a fixture in many social settings, from family gatherings to Friday night outings with friends. While enjoying a drink can be a pleasurable experience, it’s essential to understand how alcohol impacts our overall health and our efforts to lose weight. Today I am delving into the various ways alcohol affects the body and offer some tips on how to manage alcohol consumption responsibly.
Topics I will discuss:
Alcohol and health.
Alcohol and weight loss.
Tips for managing alcohol consumption.

Monday May 20, 2024

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This is episode 116 of Faith Fitness Joy: What Good Nutrition Does for Your Body. Yes, good nutrition will help you look great, but today I want to explore what happens on a deeper level when we practice good nutrition. Despite what many of us are led to believe with advertising from the fitness industry, you can lose weight and feel great without being on a restrictive or complicated diet. It is much more feasible and straightforward than most of you might think. But even better, there are so many other awesome things good nutrition does for you. So join me today to find out more.
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Wednesday May 15, 2024

Today I discuss the process of taking a leap of  faith and moving through a walk in faith as well as some of the things I have used to get me through the valleys. 
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Monday May 13, 2024

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Today we're going to get all of you out there who struggle to break what I call the start-stop cycle of insanity. I am going to tell you the key to breaking through this cycle so you can start and sustain a healthy lifestyle that is going to get you the physique you are looking for. So, today I am covering:
What the start-stop cycle of insanity is.
The key to ending this cycle once and for all.
The secret to success in weight loss (and anything else in life) 
Book your FREE Transformation Session here.

Wednesday May 08, 2024

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My mission is to help other moms and women find happiness, health, and spiritual alignment. Today we're talking alchemy: how to turn lead into gold. Many of you, like me, could be alchemists and not even realize it. Others may be unfamiliar with it or just not sure how to use it. So, today I am discussing:
What alchemy is.
Embracing the process.
Shift your perspective.
Cultivating gratitude.
Honoring your emotions.
Finding meaning and purpose.
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Monday May 06, 2024

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Today we're going to explore the incredible benefits of seven superfoods that can transform your health and vitality. These foods aren't just delicious additions to your meals; they're also packed with essential nutrients and healing properties that can nourish your body from the inside out. So, in the 7 superfoods I am discussing today are:
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